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4.1.429 (17NOV2023)...
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Beta 4.1.429 (17NOV2023) - Radio and Position Card

4 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
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1,482 Ansichten
Noble Member Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 474

Dear Aviators,

Exciting News for Immediate Radio Communication Needs!

Today marks a significant enhancement in your EasyVFR 4 experience with the launch of the upgraded Radio and Position card. Upon tapping the 🎧 button, you'll discover a streamlined interface displaying the frequencies for your Departure and Arrival airfields. As you progress in your journey, stay updated with the 'Now' and 'Next' airspace information, presented in an easily digestible format, with crucial actions prominently highlighted for straightforward understanding.

Radio card Temporary Reserved Area Not Active

This update also clarifies how long an airfield is considered as a departure or arrival location, based on the Departure and Arrival Duration settings introduced in our last update featuring Auto Zoom.

Radio card Friedrischshafen Arrival

We're keen to receive your feedback on this new feature and to learn how it enhances your flying experiences. Today's Radio card update is the first in a series of iterations aimed at delivering clean and flight-stage-relevant information. More updates are on the horizon, so stay tuned!


Other Improvements

This update includes two more enhancements to enrich your experience and make it more user-friendly:

  • .fpl Files: You can now import and export FPL routes. A commonly used application for sharing routes in the FPL format is ForeFlight.
  • TripKit Name: For Flight Documentation TripKit generation, EasyVFR 4 will now suggest a more intuitive default filename, moving away from the generic "tripkit.pdf".
  • FIR EET Times: We've improved the accuracy of FIR EET time calculations for flight plans that closely follow FIR boundaries.

For a complete overview of all the new, improved, and fixed features in this release, please refer to the detailed release notes provided below.

To catch up on all other enhancements in this beta track, revisit our previous post: 4.1.428 (25OCT2023) - Context Menus, Course Up & Auto Zoom, AeroData Summary Bar & Route Actions


Ready to Upgrade?

Eager to install the latest version? Below, you will find the beta installation files and links.

We are confident that these improvements will significantly elevate your EasyVFR 4 experience, ensuring every flight is smoother, more intuitive, and thoroughly enjoyable. Your thoughts and feedback are invaluable to us, so don't hesitate to share!


Happy flying and blue skies!



Team EasyVFR 4




  • NEW: Position and Radio card.
  • NEW: Import of FPL routes. A typical application that shares routes using the FPL format is ForeFlight.
  • NEW: Export of routes using the FPL format.
  • NEW: Port 11000 has been added as a listening port for Microsoft Flight Simulators.
  • IMPROVED: When generating the Flight Documentation TripKit, EasyVFR 4 will now use a more sensible default filename for the PDF instead of the default "tripkit.pdf".
  • IMPROVED: Calculations of FIR EET times for flight plan filing when a route is more or less following an FIR boundary.
  • FIXED: Some Android keyboards automatically append a space after an exclamation mark, causing the EasyVFR 4 Route Share Token search for shared content to fail.
  • FIXED: When a route is loaded, the Map Interest Timespan adjusts to the Takeoff Date & Time of that route. If this is in the future, but Flying mode is now activated, the Map Interest Timespan will adjust from the Current Time -1 hour to Current Time + 3 hours.
  • FIXED: When the SafeSky Premium license ended, EasyVFR 4 did not automatically re-enable SafeSky traffic when the SafeSky Premium license was renewed.
  • FIXED: When flying Track or Course Up, the airplane symbol would frequently get rendered as if the map was North Up.

Below are release notes from beta versions since the last public production release in the App Store's:

  • NEW: Tapping near an AeroData object on the map now displays a summary bar with quick route action buttons: [Direct To], [Depart Here], [Insert], [Add to End], [Remove].
  • NEW: Introduced a Context menu UI element that provides access to functionality directly related to an item, without cluttering the map and interface. Many use cases are upcoming
  • NEW: Display context menu added by a new Display button on the top right side of the screen for selecting elements to [Hide Buttons], show [Vertical Profile] and [Instruments Ribbon], [Lock Touch] (unlock with a three-finger tap on the screen), and access [Readability].
  • NEW: Added readability settings for Route Leg Labels and Route Leg Line thickness.
  • NEW: Weather context menu added by a new Weather button on the right side of the screen for toggling weather layers on the Moving Map and Vertical Profile.
  • NEW: Map Orientation context menu added by tapping the Map Orientation button.
  • NEW: "Course Up" map orientation option, controllable via the Map Orientation button.
  • NEW: Map "Auto Zoom "feature for when in Flying Mode, controllable via the Map Orientation button.
  • NEW: [Set] and [View] the zoom level (camera altitude) per flight phase for Auto Zoom. [Set] copies the current zoom level of the moving map.
  • NEW: Dedicated button for the Position & Radio window, which will soon include more information depending on the flight phase.
  • NEW: Android version now uses a geoidal separation model for improved GPS altitude, matching iOS's default behavior.
  • NEW: Also EasyVFR Essentials users can now review flight logs on the map.
  • NEW: EasyVFR 4 menu -> Preferences -> Units now displays the selected default unit on each unit type label.
  • NEW: Status Card -> Traffic now has a new option "Filter only in Flightmode". By default, this is enabled but can be switched off by the user so Vertical Filtering is also applied when in planning mode.
  • IMPROVED: When the user has set the Position Source to [Internal GPS], this setting is now retained after restarting EV4 and not switched back to Automatic anymore.
  • IMPROVED: Replaced "Weight + Balance" with "Mass + Balance" at several places.
  • IMPROVED: When tapping Status card -> Data -> [Plates along the route], only the georeferenced plates were downloaded, not the associated PDF ones. As a result, this PDF could not be accessed when needed in flight. Now the PDF files will also be automatically downloaded for offline usage.
  • IMPROVED: Better support for fullscreen Android devices.
  • IMPROVED: When manually running [Extract logbook entries] via EasyVFR 4 menu -> System -> Tracklogs, EV4 will ignore any previously set internal markers to make it possible to redo a logbook entry extraction as if it was a fresh flight again.
  • IMPROVED: Android Target SDK 33 is now supported.
  • IMPROVED: Airmarshalls can delete an EFB PDF document using the Quick Info Wheel -> Airfield Info -> PDF.
  • FIXED: On iOS, exporting the logbook breadcrumbs to GPX crashed.
  • FIXED: On the Tripkit TCK, waypoints were not displaying their correct short- and full names.
  • FIXED: When the Distance unit is changed from NM to something else, then the Map Layers menu -> NOTAMs -> [Max Radius to Show On Map] will now display in the selected default unit also.
  • FIXED: When the Distance unit is changed from NM to something else, then the Map Layers menu -> Weather -> [Weather Briefing Path Width] will now display in the selected default unit also.
  • FIXED: Downloading the 10-day Pressure & Rain Forecast chart did not work when a user was subscribed to EasyVFR Pro via Apple App Store but did not enter an email address in myEasyVFR.
  • FIXED: Menu icons centering on the top, bottom, and right of the display got misaligned when instruments were visible.
  • FIXED: Tripkit crash on MacOS.
  • FIXED: Fixed crash when running navlog with tourist guide enabled and local flight setup (aka no route legs).
  • FIXED: Sometimes EV4 would incorrectly consider an airport not within the 20 NM path width of a route for downloading plates.
  • FIXED: Pro Aircraft Profiles now allow selecting Custom Aircraft Symbols again.
  • FIXED: When at initial installation any aircraft type other than SEP was selected, then at the first launch of Aircraft Profiles the default Aircraft type was reset back to SEP.
  • FIXED: With SafeSky enabled and no internet available at the startup of EV4, EV4 would be much less responsive in its UI than with SafeSky disabled or internet available.
  • FIXED: Split view would sometimes generate a "surface could not get initialized" error.
  • FIXED: SafeSky Premium license did not allow sending locations using only an EasyVFR 4 Essentials version.




📱 Mobile & Tablet


🍏 iOS, iPadOS, and Apple Silicon Mac

Minimum requirements:

  • 64-bit and 2GB RAM.


  • iPad Air 2 and higher.
  • iPad Mini 4 and higher.
  • iPhone 6S and higher.
  • M1 MacBooks and higher.

The iPad Mini 5 and newer, and any iPad Pro perform extremely well.

Download Steps:

  1. Install the Apple TestFlight app via the Apple AppStore.
  2. Go to the following URL to download the latest version of EasyVFR 4 via TestFlight.
    👉 Open the EasyVFR 4 page in the Apple TestFlight app


🤖 Android

IMPORTANT: Devices with the old 32-bit Android OS are not supported

Minimum requirements:

  • 64-bit OS, +3GB RAM. Android 10 and higher is advised.

We have good results with:

  • Huawei MediaPad M5.
  • Xiaomi Mi Pad 4.
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 (except  SM-T810).
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S4, S6, and higher.
  • Most modern smartphones.

Download Options:


💻 Desktop and Laptop

🪟 Windows

Minimum requirements:

  • 32-bit, 2GB RAM, Windows 8 and higher is advised.

Download: Download EasyVFR 4 for Windows


🍏 Apple Silicon Mac

See the iOS version.


🍎 Intel Macs

IMPORTANT: Intel Macs on Big Sur and Monterey need to have the latest macOS version 11.6.1 or 12.0.1 or higher installed.

Intel-based Macs can only install the below .dmg file and need to follow the below instructions.

Minimum requirements:

  • Most 64-bit macOS versions. E.g. High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina. BigSur 11.6.1 and Monterey 12.0.1 and up.
  • Apple Silicon M1 and greater Macs can download via the iOS AppStore.

Download: Download EasyVFR 4 for Intel Macs

Installation instructions:

  1. After downloading the DMG file, open it and drag the EasyVFR 4 icon into the Applications folder. EasyVFR 4 is now available via Launchpad.
  2. When you get the message " can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store" choose [Open in Finder] from that popup, then right-click on and choose open. Now the same popup will appear, now with a [Open] button.
  3. From there on you can launch EasyVFR 4 from the launchpad without this warning.
  4. With every update, you need to redo step 2. 🔄
Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 1 Jahr von Tim Peter

Trusted Member Beta tester
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 15


When exporting either fpl or gpx file I’m unable to close the export window/get back to the map view. 
This problem is present on my ipad mini 6 but on my ipad pro 11” it works ok. Otherwise same ios version and same settings on both.

Famed Member Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 1036

Hi Per-Åke,

I did some tests on my ipad mini 5 but cannot get the problem reproduced. Can you describe what actually happens ? I presume you get to the default iOS share window where you can choose what to do, for example send via airdrop, email or store in Files. What option do you select there? Does that work ok and do you get returned to EV4? 


Sorry for all the questions ....


Trusted Member Beta tester
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Beiträge: 15

Hi, I was about to reply to your questions when I saw that you had released an update. After installing the update, the problems are gone. Before I never got to the IOS share window and I could not click the check mark and get back to the map view. Only resolution was to restart the app again.

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