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EasyVFR Basic UK won't update the aero data

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Beiträge: 10
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren

Hey everyone - I'm using the basic UK version of the app on android 11, and just tried to update the aero data to the new cycle. It downloads ok, but it doesn't show that it's been updated in my home screen (still on the old cycle):

Screenshot 20240418 210934

Not sure if it's something with the app or the data?

Thanks for your help!


6 Antworten
Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren
Hi George. I’m sorry you have encountered this problem that affects all users of EasyVFR3, but fortunately I have some easy fixes for you 
 With the introduction of AIRAC cycle 202312 we discovered that EasyVFR3 version 3.97.43 cannot handle AIRAC cycles from 202312 onwards because the AIRAC calendar programmed at the time for Canada and Australia does not go beyond 202311. 
This causes all 3.97.43 versions of EasyVFR and all versions of EasyVFR Basic UK and NL  to give marmalade error messages when they are started.
We managed to develop fixed versions for EasyVFR 3, EasyVFR 3 Basic UK and EasyVFR 3 Basic NL versions running on Android.
Unfortunately these fixes cannot be distributed using google Playstore or Apple Appstore because EasyVFR3 does not comply to their minimum requirements anymore. Since a number of years our successor product EasyVFR 4 is available (see and the most logical advise would be to start using this version ( which like Easy VFR3 also features an always free variant which actually is a big step forward from EV3 if your tablet has sufficient capability to run it)  A good place to start for more information about EasyVFR 4 is
If it is required to keep using EasyVFR 3 then the mentioned fixed versions are available. Use the links listed below on your Android device and allow your Android device to install apps from external sources when asked. 
For android the following links are available :
For EasyVFR 3 Basic UK 
For EasyVFR 3 Basic NL 
if you do that on your Android device, you should be able to install it, and everything should work again.
Beiträge: 10
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren

Hi Stewart - thanks for the reply. Yes I came across that error earlier in the year and updated to v3.3.44, and that worked OK until yesterday. Now it seems to have trouble updating the aero data though, and it's stuck on the cycle which ended on the 17th April (see the screenshot above from v3.3.44).

Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

Thanks George. Apparently there was sim issue with the latest data but that has now been fixed so you should find 3.44 works ok again now. 


1 Antwort
Stewart Buckingham
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

Noble Member
Beiträge: 449
  1. Sorry, “sim” was a typo, I meant to say “some” 🤬🤬🤬
Beiträge: 10
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 3 Jahren

Yes it's working great now, thanks again!

Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

It’s my pleasure, George! We’re all ll pilots here at EasyVFR so it’s always a pleasure to help our fellow flyers!



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