Ev3 Question.
How do I increase the traffic info text size in Ev3 using GDL90? Is this possible?
I can increase the 'Plane Symbol Magnification' in GDL90 settings but I would like the traffic information text to be larger.
I suspect they are linked to one of the other magnification levels (menu->Nav Tools->Settings. Give it a try I would say. AFIK there is no setting that controls only that specific fontsize item.
I suspect they are linked to one of the other magnification levels (menu->Nav Tools->Settings. Give it a try I would say. AFIK there is no setting that controls only that specific fontsize item.
Hi Rob,
Yes I have tried every which way to just increase the text info size +/- Alt etc without increasing symbol magnification size on Ev3 without success!
It is just that running both Ev3 and Ev4 in parrallel linked to my PowerFlarmFusion I prefer the overall way traffic is displayed on Ev3.The clarification seems to my eyes better.
Also and I have mentioned this before, there are occassions when Ev3 displays traffic and it is not shown at all on Ev4! Any idea why? I am still trying to determine if this missing traffic is Mode S traffic or ADSB traffic and why? Flarm traffic always seems consistant on both Ev3 and Ev4.
Hi Alan,
In that case I fear there isn't a way to increase the other Traffic's textual info font size, sorry.
To be honest I also don't know why there should be any difference to what EV4 shows compared to EV3. AFIK there shouldn't be much different (apart from filter settings). I do know however the Flarm Fusion used to suffer from a " throttle problem". It could only serve a certain number of traffic targets to connected applications depending on connection speed of the serial port. AFIK they fixed that, but maybe its a similar issue. But please realise its just a wild guess based on nothing, sorry.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the input..
The Ev3 traffic text size I shall just have to learn to live with it seems.
Thanks for your thoughts on traffic display differences between Ev3 and Ev4. I hadn't heard that there had been a Fusion throttling problem. That just could be the issue couldn't it!
I will send an email to Flarm an see if they have any ideas.