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Beiträge: 457
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Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

the flightplan function needs polishing.

Before actually FILING the plan I had manually altered some details.  Apparently these  changes were NOT sent, if the little Warning box in the Route Log is correct.  The original times as per EV4 were used.

I did provide a mobile number but never received any confirmation message.  

9 Antworten
Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

Thanks for reporting this, Leif.

Some things edited in the Flightplan filing window do seem to be retained, but information related to the planned flight route and timings indeed appears to be linked to the values extracted from the loaded route in EasyVFR. Perhaps it would be better if those things cannot be edited within the ATC flightplan screen as making changes to the ATC flight plan there could create inconsistencies between the submitted flight plan and the created Navlog?

As regards the mobile phone number, this is provided as information fed to ATC (and sometimes it does result in them calling you, e.g. if you are overdue - don't ask me how I know!), but there has never been any intention that "within EasyVFR" any message about your flightplan is sent to that mobile number.

There is, though, an enhancement on the "to do" list to create an "image" of the submitted flightplan as an optional page for the tripkit.

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Beigetreten: Vor 4 Jahren

Hi, I am just experiencing the same issue as "leif"  of not receiving any confirmation message that my flight plan was accepted/approved  (or I am not able to find it) .
(BTW I just sent a request in the chat windows "Ask the team" about this issue before finding this topic here). Where should I receive the confirmation of my filed flight-plan with EasyFVR4 ? Presently I am asking the ATC control at the airport.
=> Did someone wrote a manual for the ATC-Filing feature ? Cheers. CiBi

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Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren

I had today again problems with filing a flightplan. When I tried to file it, the button looked already somewhat strange, saying "Datei Plan" , then there is initially a confirmation that it was filed. But...

It is impossible to delay or cancel flight plans. If choosing these buttons the app hooks up. Also: After cancellation of FP with IAS by telephone, which was confirmed. It is impossible to file another FP. The app says "unable to file due to an overlapping flight plan already existing for callsign XXXXX"

So please get this point of the app working. Problem ist here: this function is not frequently used as domestic vfr flights don't require a FP. Also: nobody wants to file an official FP just for practice or to try out if it works. So when using it, if for instance I have an important international flight and then the FP filing strikes this is really a bad timing.

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Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren

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IAS must read AIS

Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

Really? IAS is the internationally established abbreviation for  Indicated Air Speed in the English-speaking world? Perhaps I am misunderstanding you? What is it that you expect to be shown as "AIS" - to me that only means "Aeronautical Information Service"?

Stewart Buckingham
Beiträge: 449
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

Ah, sorry, I now think I understand what you mean! I thought you meant there was an incorrect abbreviation in the EasyVFR FlightPlan screens, but now I realise you were correcting your use of "IAS" in your original post where you described cancelling your FP by telephone. Sorry for my mistake!

Beiträge: 457
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Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

I just had the same problem as Volker.  My first FlightPlan was filed fine.  But then I wanted to leave 2 h early.

„Delay FP“ will offer to advance the timing, but this fails, probably because it is not intended to be done.  In this case - don’t offer it.

Then I tried to cancel the FP - that produced an unspecified „problem“

Refiling was not possible either, just as Volker experienced.


Beiträge: 457
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Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

I was able to reproduce this behavior just now.

1. Delaying will not work and eventually hangs up EV.

2. Canceling maybe works, but this is very unclear.

IMG 0062
IMG 0063


And finally the route remains in a FILED state, even if the cancellation went through.

Beiträge: 457
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Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 6 Jahren

One more question:  FP delay or cancel will load a list of previously filed plans from the cloud.  This list contains entries that are years old !  The cloud should only store useful things.  When an old plan is selected, no valid data will be found.  But after this, EV hangs up.

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