I may have missed something as this just seems so obviously required but I can't find a one touch shortcut to repostion the aircraft to the optimum position (obviously not centre to the map) so I can see it and get the best possible forward view?
When you are in flightmode (this is a requirement) and pan arround so the planesymbol is not visible on the map anymore, a directional arrow with distance and track info is shown. When you tap the label with distance and track info, EV4 will put the planesymbol at the optimum position again.
A second method is to simply not touch the screen for 30 seconds, EV4 will automatically put the planesymbol at the optimum position again.
Note this "optimum positioning" is only effective when in flightmode!
Thanks for clarifying that - that seems like it should work fine!
why did you end up not going for the third button between the start flight / end flight buttons?
with a "crosshair" icon.
at least that's what we had discussed at aero and still believe would be the best solution... and can be enabled to work both in flight and non-flight modes
not a fan of the 30s timeout, or at least the value should be a user setting?
the press on the yellow label is a bit more elegant but not really intuitive, a feature you have to know about!