I would request EV to start at the last used map position and camera altitude.
If the present position is required instead, it is easy to press the center button. But finding the last map position after a crash or freeze or automatic restart is much more difficult. Crash and freeze have increased a lot !
Unfortunately EV automatically restarts many times on my iPad when another app is opened to check something in between. Then it is not possible to return to the last planning point.
EV4 already does that, but these once-per-second changes (at least when in flightmode) are not committed immediately to disk to avoid wear on ssd storage (though I am not sure if this is still a problem with modern memory to be honest).
But when you swap ev4 to the background to start a different app then it should have been committed, unless iOS hasn’t given ev4 enough time to do so. I will have a look at it soon.
I think you are using an ipad mini 4? That has only 2GB of ram, and iOS is very eager to kill it as soon as another app is started to free up the memory used by EV4. I will do some experiments swapping large portions of the map in ram to disk when ev4 is put in the background, maybe that will keep ev4 longer a live on devices with limited ram.
last but not least ;-), have you considered upgrading to an ipad mini 5 or 6? The performance difference is enormous
Well, my EV launches will always bring me to present position, unless I immediately start to move my finger on the map. That will keep the last map position, but may result in a crash - so I am getting frustrated.
Ah, I see what you are getting at. EV4 indeed always restores to last position at startup, but as soon as location is known it recenters to this position; this can be within seconds of starting the app. To be honest I don’t know if we should change this behavior, I fear most users would find it very irritating if they would have to search for their current position.
the crashes you are experiencing are puzzling me. Last days I did a lot of testing using my iphone XR and ipad pro, and I can’t get it crashed the way you describe.
I suppose I cannot somehow attract you to come visit us at EHLE so we can use full debugging capabilities to see what your setup differs from mine what might cause these crashes?
On some crashes I have written a comment through the little dialogue that is offered.
Would it be possible to introduce a switch to suppress the recentering to PPos?
Hi Leif,
the upcoming version will free up most cache memory as soon as EV4 is swapped to the background; with some luck this is enough to keep EV4 alive so when you switch back EV4 doesn’t have to be restarted. Your map view will still be exacty as it was. Let keep fingers crossed this is a workable solution for you too. If not then lets think of something else.