Very close to my home field we have this "AZBA" low level military jet flight areas (France), that are activated intermittently by Notam during weekdays. My question: does EVFR4 parse those notams and try to show activity?
Example of today:
My detail is LFR45C Arbois. It is marked as "active irregular", not "active":
My calender box is set to include the entire day:
The notam of today says it is active some time of the day:
Very low altiude areas activity zone R45A Bourgogne 1130-
1230:ACTlVE zone 845B autunois 1130-1230:ACTlVE zone
R45C Arbois 1130-1230:ACTlVE zone R45D Doubs 0800.
IOOO:ACTIVE 1130-1230:ACTlVE zone R45N5.2 Meuse sud
1500-1731:ACTlVE zone R45S1 franche Comte 1130.
1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731 :ACTIVE zone R45S2 Langres
1130-1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731:ACTlVE zone R45S3 yonne
1130-1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731:ACTlVE zone R45S4
Maconnais ouest 1130-1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731:ACTlVE
zone R45S5 Maconnais Centre 1130-1330:ACTlVE 1500.
1731:ACTlVE zone R45S6.l Maconnais EST 1130.
1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731 :ACTIVE zone R45S6.2 Maconnais
sud EST 1130-1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731 :ACTIVE zone
R45S7 jura 0730. IOOO:ACTIVE 1130-1400:ACTlVE 1500.
1810:ACTIVE 1930-2130:ACTlVE zone R45NS 1130
1330:ACTlVE 1500-1731 :ACTIVE.
My goal is to understand how E4 is dealing with this messy airspace and what I can expect from it.
EasyVFR4 does try to parse the French AZBA NOTAMS, but its success is not guaranteed (yet ;-)) and a continous work-in-progress. You can tell from the NOTAM briefing if EV4 successfully parsed the NOTAM and managed to link all involved airspaces by checking if there is a semi-colon seperated airspaceID list shown, like in this screenshot :
When this is the case, then EV4 will NOT show the NOTAM circle on the map, but simply renders the involved airspaces as ACTIVE and tells so when querying airspace info for that airspace :
Your example NOTAM does NOT show that list of semi-colon separated airspaceid's :
So this NOTAM *is* still depicted with a circle on the map :
and unfortunately you will have to manually find out which airspaces are involved.
But as said, we're continuously improving our NOTAM-to-airspace linking parser, so more and more AZDA NOTAMs will get fully interpreted over time.
Merci Rob!
By the way, what I find extremely cool are the user-hints that are now popping up making E4 really self-explaining. For example, the hint in the Vertical Profile when editing a flight plan, the scrolling / zooming hints etc.
It seems on some days this NOTAM is successfully parsed, on other days not. Today I see what you described as a sign of successful parsing. The same restricted zones that were not analyzed two days ago are listed today in the header of the NOTAM separated by semicolons, and the area is indicated as active on the map. When you get this to work every day, it is super cool!