We seem to have been promised this for a long time now (April?)and I myself have asked about it a few times.
Any news on when we can expect to see this important feature? I use it all the time in Ev3 especially when ATC asks me to report my present position.
Now with raster charts almost completed its time to take a look at the vote list again to see what's next. The LOC functionality is voted for fairly a lot (see https://easyvfr4.aero/community/campfire/ev3s-loc-tab-info-equivalent/#post-613), so I guess it will come soon now 😉
Finally available in the upcoming version 🙂
Great stuff Rob!!.....Really pleased to see this being added at last. Hope it is on the Main menu?
All we need now addition is a 'Goto Direct' button on the Main menu and we are good to go!
At last now begining to come together...Well done.
We added it to the button at the bottom bar that is also used to toggle flightmode on/off, so its quite easy to access although maybe a bit strange way to do it. We tried a dedicated button for it, but our UI/UX guy doesn't want more buttons permanent on the screen, I guess there is a point in that. Making it available from the [menu] button could also be an option; lets see in practise if a tweak is needed.
Ok...You do need to be able to access it quickly when ATC ask for your position which could depending on your flight be close to controlled airspace! Personally I would definitely prefer to see it permanently on the screen.
Buried in the menus would not be good!
Thinking about this.....
The LOC button I feel is such an important feature that it definitely should be instantly available permanently on the screen.
I don't understand why the permanent menu buttons can't be down the side of the screen like Ev3?
Thinking about this.....
The LOC button I feel is such an important feature that it definitely should be instantly available permanently on the screen.
I don't understand why the permanent menu buttons can't be down the side of the screen like Ev3?
Hi Tim,
I have just downloaded .661 and Yes I can see that it works just fine and is exactly what we needed!
It is though as Rob said rather strange having to press the Flightmode button to see your exact location and if no-one had told me that I would have never guessed where it was!
Now I know where to find the Loc button it isn't a problem for me at all, but it certainly is not ideal positioning of this, to me, important feature. However I think we are in agreement that it shouldn't be buried in the menus. I am though just trying to look at this from the viewpoint of someone new coming to Ev4 and wondering how they would view it.
Personally I am also not 100% happy with the way the LOC information is enabled now in EV4, but I also respect the stand from Bernd (our UI/UX guy) that he doesn't want more permanent buttons on the screen. Tim suggested to "exchange" certain permanent buttons (like maplayers and the mapinterest begin&end buttons) that are mostly/only usable in planning mode with two buttons more useful in flightmode (like LOC and directto). So the bottombar would contain buttons depending on flightmode or not. We're not all in favor of this unfortunately, but we keep trying to find solutions....
Hi Rob, totally agree with you, I perso also would prefer map layer and map interest to the menue drawer and have EV3 buttons direct on the screen: LOC, DCT TO, NOTAM, WX and finally Menue. Agree with Alan makes decisions far more faster and easier even for newcomers!