Upon comparing the same loaded route in EasyVFR 3 and 4, I noticed in the navlogs that there are consequently slight differences in magnetic track between the same tracks between the points, of 2-3 degrees. Both EVFR 3 and 4 make use of the same aerodata. Which one is the 'most' correct of the two versions?
Many thanks
Hi Lennard,
sorry for my late reply; but EV4 uses a more recent magnetic model then EV3. This explains the differences between the two. Its an interesting subject btw; NOAA has written a few articles about the “unexpected” drifting of the magnetic northpole over the last few years. Their wmm2020 model (thats the one EV4 uses) had some challenges for them I believe.
Hello Rob,
No problem for the delay. OK good to know this, I will stick then to planning with version 4! 🙂