I'm running EasyVFR4 (free edition) on an iPhone and have noticed some expired NOTAMS still displaying although the end date has since past.
These are related to Out of season training for the Reds at Waddington EGXW. This is covered by AIC M108/2023 but expired 30th November today is now 14th December.
Anyone know why these are still showing?
Hi Alexander,
Welcome to the forum. To test I have freshly downloaded the UK on my installation and do not have the NOTAM you mentioned near EGXW.
Can you share a screenshot of it?
And can you please check if your NOTAMs are up to date? Tap on the (red/amber/green) Status dot to open the Status card -> Data. When were the NOTAMs last downloaded?
https://easyvfr4.aero#pricing-and-plans .
If the airspace doesn't exist in the next AIRAC cycle, it'll be removed from the database upon updating.
Hi Tim,
Yeah that does make sense, if I'm understanding the gist correctly, even if not the terms. What exactly is the AIRAC cycle and how often is the cycle? I just expected that non-relevant info would be filtered out "live" as it were, unless that's the compromise of the free version and perhaps deliberate to try to steer people towards the paid for versions...?