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Update EasyVFR 4.0.929 public release

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What's new with 4.0.929?

Since the last public release in April a lot has happened. With this blogpost I would like to inform you about the major new functionalities rather than just a boring summary of bug fixes.

Interested in the entire list of new functionalities and improvements instead? Go to the full changelog.

In map VFR Arrival and Departure routes

Planning a flight the old fashioned way can make you drown in an ocean of information. Provided in many forms and shapes as ICAO charts – VFR plates – AIPs- SUPs – NOTAMs – AUPs, and many more regional sources. Not to mention all the variations between countries and airfields in map design, procedures, where to find what, and even local habits.

EasyVFR 4 makes your life easier by bundling, filtering, and linking all sources in one convenient app. Recognizing what is relevant for the day of the flight, the selected aircraft, forecasted weather, airspace reservations, personal preferences, and the planned route.

To do this job best, EasyVFR 4 can benefit from all the aviation information we can provide on top of what it already uses. That is why we started this year a new data project. To enhance our existing validation processes, exploring new official sources, and rethinking how users can benefit from this effort.

Via a series of EasyVFR app and AeroData updates in the coming period, you will get access to a lot of new sweets. Starting in today's public release with Arrival and Departure routes within EasyVFR 4!

With this new version we introduce a new airfield information layer. Starting with Arrival and Departure routes for all airfields that have a VFR reporting point. Germany, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, and France are available right now and the other European countries will follow soon.

Next up for the new airport layer are: Traffic circuits – Ground objects like taxiways, runway holding points, windsocks, fuel stations, ATS office – and more. Parallel to that effort, a variety of new airspace and inflight-related layers will be added. Soon more about this.


Update All Data to see the new layers

After updating to 4.0.929 you only need to update all data within the app to start seeing the new layers.

To manually update all data go to: EasyVFR 4 menu -> Downloads menu -> AeroData Validity Info -> To update, tap on [Update All Data].

The new airfield layers become visible when you zoom in on an airfield.

In Map VFR routes
In map VFR arrival and departure routes (EDKB and EDDK)

Logbook Improvements

The logbook feature in EasyVFR 4 has our constant attention to become more user friendly, reliable and automated. With this public release,, several new tools that have been tested by the beta testers become available for all EasyVFR 4 users.

  • When a logbook entry is created and more than one possible arrival or departure airfield is found, then the nearest one suitable to the current aircraft profile settings will be chosen.
  • Logbook creating now analyses for touch & goes as well.
  • More reliable cloud synchronisation.
  • After landing statistics pop-up.

Cloud synchronisation

Until now the logbook system was a simple file-based system that didn’t allow for merging of entries from multiple devices and was vulnerable to corruption and accidental deletion. With this new version we introduce a server-based system that eliminates these drawbacks.

Because logbook entries also contain breadcrumb data and are privacy related, we designed the system so that the user has to opt-in first to use this new logbook system:

  1. At the initial opt-in any existing logbook entries on the device shall be uploaded to the new server system.
    EasyVFR 4 menu -> Flightlog Maintenance -> Store on EasyVFR cloud.
  2. All other devices using the same account then automatically merge with the server entries as soon as option [Store on EasyVFR Cloud] has been turned on for these devices as well.
  3. From then on any change made on any of the devices will automatically replicate to the other devices.

After landing Flight Statistics pop-up

Logbook entries are now automatically created when EasyVFR4 detects the flight is completed, and will show a flight summary during taxiing or when parked. This flight summary can be closed manually, but it will also close automatically when shown for more than 5 minutes.

Flight statistics
Flight statistics

UK CAA style airspace theme

The UK CAA Style airspace depiction is now available with EasyVFR 4. To switch map themes, go to:
EasyVFR 4 menu -> Moving Map -> Select AeroData Charting Theme.

UK CAA map theme

10NM distance marker

A 10NM distance marker will be shown together with the trackline when in flight mode. The purple dots on the trackline mark a 2 minutes interval. The new 10NM marker is the blue white line on the trackline.

10NM distance marker
10NM distance marker

Other improvements in this public release

In the below list you can find the other new tools and improved features, all on popular request by the community. Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback! Your input really helps us to prioritize development and to make EasyVFR 4 better every day.

Do you have something to share yourself? Feel free to start a new topic at the forum. We are looking forward to your thoughts on the new features and data types in this update.

  • Using Menu -> System -> Units -> [Latitude/longitude notation] it is now possible to select between Decimal Degrees (DDeg), Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) or Degrees decimal Minutes (DDMin) for latitude/longitude displays.
  • Google Maps Tiles now have an extra level added so when zooming in a bit more detail is obtained.
  • Import of route files created by many 3rd party flightplan apps is now added.
  • When using a traffic device like PAW, SkyEcho, Flarm etc then regardless of whether the traffic and own ship are on a collision course, the target will be be depicted using the amber colour instead of the default grey to stand out more if lateral distance to target divided by combined speed is less than 120 seconds.

Curious to what will be next?

I hope you liked reading this blog post and that you can't wait to update your EasyVFR 4 app! Currently, we are working on some exciting new features that will be implemented in next future releases. If you want to be one of the first to try them out, you can become a beta tester! Within ''My EasyVFR'' you can select the option ''Participate as beta tester'' and off you go! All beta and public updates are published at the the forum.

Update to 4.0.929

To update EasyVFR 4 go to the iOS App Store, Android Google Play store or macOS M1 appstore for iOS apps. Search for EasyVFR 4, or go to the knowledge base to be redirected to the app store download page. For Windows and macOS X and Catalina the latest downloads are listed in our knowledge base.

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✍️ Create your EasyVFR 4 account today and explore 30 days for free. Create account and start Trial

If you already happen to have an EasyVFR 3 Standard or Frequent Flyer Membership (FFM) license that you bought directly with us, it'll work for EasyVFR 4 as well - no charge.

? Download EasyVFR 4 and take it for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back soon for even more great EasyVFR 4 features coming your way. ?

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 9

In map VFR Arrival and Departure routes

Hi, How do I activate this new feature? Just downloaded the update and can't find the new feature. The upload of logbook entries is there, though.

Noble Member Admin
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Hi Hasse,

Thanks for asking! The AeroData update probably did not kick in. To manually update all data go to: EasyVFR 4 menu -> Downloads menu -> AeroData Validity Info -> To update, tap on [Update All Data].

The new airfield layers become visible when you zoom in on an airfield.

Does this work for you? 


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 9

Hi Tim,

I'm afraid it didn't work. I did try exactly that, to update all, on the iPad mini. When that didn't work, I tried a fresh install on my work laptop, from scratch. None of them show the ciruits and the Departure routes. I checked ESGP, ESMT and EKYT.

I also double checked that everything was active in the layers menu.

Appears to be something I've missed, I'd guess.


Noble Member Beta tester
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 462

Did you possibly confuse the aerodata update ( labeled: aerodata validity info) and the automatic update (Notams etc) ?

also you need to zoom in closer than 5NM


Eminent Member
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Posts: 9


Looks like it works fine in Germany and the Netherlands, though not in Denmark and Sweden.

Maybe this data isn't available in Scandinavia, at this point?


Stewart Buckingham
Noble Member Moderator
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Posts: 449

Yes it’s quite a lot of work setting these up for hundreds of airfields and we are working hard extending the coverage country by country. But we see these as a very important improvement and each month the coverage will grow. 

Famed Member Admin
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Posts: 1036

Hi Hasse,

I have to check with our Swedish Airmarshaller, but it looks like there are no specific routes defined for most swedish airfields? For example when I look at ESMT's aproach chart I don't see any actual route, only two holding areas. And these two holding areas are in EasyVFR4, see this screenshot : 


For Sweden also fuelstation locations and windsock locations are currently beeing collected : 


I you have any suggestions on how to improve please don't hesitate.


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 9

Hi Rob,

You may be right. The routes are usually not published on the available plates. If you're getting the data from AIP or other official resources, it's a high risk that these routes are missing.

The Norwegian airports have had the routes in their plates for many years.

Maybe we need to assist you guys with similar information for Sweden. Or take it up with the authorities.



Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 9

Here's a link to ESGP in the Swedish AIP:


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1036

Hi Hasse,

That is indeed the same info as used in EasyVFR4. Is there a specific reason why there are no routes on these AIP vfr charts? 

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 9

Sorry, I've no idea why the standards are different in Sweden and Denmark compared to the rest of Europe. It should be similar AIP info within EASA, IMHO. 

If I can get a name, I'll ask the Swedish authorities.


Eminent Member Beta tester
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Posts: 7


Whithout checking I think ESSB is the only one that have VFR routes in the Swedish AIP. Don’t know why it’s that way. I’ve collected some for smaller airfields though



Gary Taylor
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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 8

this thread is talking about 4.0.929


I have 4.0.948, what were the updates

Stewart Buckingham
Noble Member Moderator
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 449

Gary, 4.0.948 is still the latest FULL public release. For release notes for that version, and all the intermediate beta versions between 4.0.929 (the previous FULL release) an4 4.0.948, please see

Since 4.0.948 there have been two recent Public Beta versions - 4.0.954 and 4.0.955.

For release notes and other details of these version please see    


If you wish to have access to these Public Beta versions (which offer significant improvements over 4.0.948), please see the explanation of the Public Beta programme at





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