Is it possible to manually add airfield plate ? Because the one from LFSE is missing and I would like to have it ?
Thank you. Regards
Hi Arnaud,
I've requested it from Eurocontrol and it should appear soon in EasyVFR!
Blue skies,
The PocketFMS Foundation
Hello Nosegear.
Great thank you.
Hi Arnaud
The Visual Landing Geo Referenced plate for LFSE is now available again.
If you tap on the EasyVFR logo on your map screen, Select System and then tap on airport Plates and Docs this will force a download and you should then be able to access it.
If it is does not appear you may have to Delete ALL Airfield Plates and Docs and then download them again.
Any problems, please let us know.
Hello Dave,
Great that's work. Thank you very much.