When I look at the chart for areas I’ve flown over the last few months I see some waypoints recorded as “Departed” . If I click on them I can see the details and that they are waypoints from when I may have departed the location, or for some where I started or restarted the app mid flight and so it thinks if departed that location.
I can’t seem to find a way to delete them as there no option. If I click on the waypoint and then the waypoints menu, if I select what I believe is edit from the available options it says I can only store them with a live or higher subscription.
I don’t want to store them, I want to delete them as they cluttering my view and I have no need for them.
Any idea?
Anyone any idea?….
Hi Alex,
This is a stupid problem indeed. Managing user waypoints is at the moment only available for paid licenses using menu->my User Waypoints. Given the reported problems we are considering enabling this for the free Essentials users also. But in any case you can stop the creating of these Departed waypoints using menu->preferences, and there disable the option [Autocreate local flight].