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Suggestion Cruise ALTITUDE in route planning

1 Posts
2 Users
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The cruise altitude seems to add exactly 1000 ft to the highest obstacle.  The obstacle may be 2128 ft, so the planned cruise altitude becomes 3128 ft.  This is not useful.

Please use the lowest altitude according to the semicircular rule or take a user defined altitude for all legs.

1 Reply

I understand what you mean, but we do this on purpose. Because of the "strange" cruise altitude the user knows it is calculated by the application so needs verification and possibly a correction.

Setting a default cruise altitude has come to my mind for a long time also already, but I always keep running into problems when the route contains a leg where terrain/obstacle clearance is not sufficient or  restricting airspace is encountered. 


This post was modified 6 months ago by Rob Weijers
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