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Suggestion "Zoom To" function

0 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
1 Reactions
2,132 Ansichten

Provide a "Zoom To" function:

  • Zoom To route: should show the entire route
  • Zoom To (current or next) leg: accordingly
  • Zoom To (approaching or selected) airport area (e.g. two miles around)
  • Zoom To traffic pattern (i.e. "Platzrunde") of next/approaching/departure/arrival) airport
  • Zoom To (current) ATC area or (current) airspace D-CTR/RMZ/TMZ
  • other zoom levels might be interesting: Gafor, FIS, airspace in current cruising altitude ...
Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 5 Jahren 3 mal von Edgar Hermanns
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