Is it me or after the 12th of October update , my iPads mini 4 performance changed a lot? The app starts faster, map rendering is faster- everything runs faster. Is there a tweak in the app that made it run faster? There is a significant change in the overall speed , that is why I'm asking.
Nope, AFIK nothing tweaked to improve speed, but we where already a bit surprised in the past you experienced a not-so-good performance on your mini 4?
Now thinking of it, it could some safety mechanism had kicned in in your previous installation. Next time you experience worse performance, check first if there is any download going on (menu->downloads menu). If nothing is beeing downloaded, check menu->General->Developer Tweaks->Repaint screenbuffer every frame. If that is turned on then performance will be reduced. If it is turned on, then it might provide a clue for us.
Ok I'll do that and report back.