The New EasyVFR 4.3 – Context-Aware Map Interactions and Intuitive Route Building

von | Juni 14, 2024 | Development, EasyVFR App

Hey Fellow Aviator!

Exciting times are here for our EasyVFR community! With our user base growing rapidly, your enthusiasm and support have been invaluable. Thank you!

While planning and flying with EasyVFR, you’ve shared fantastic ideas. We’ve heard your feedback and have been hard at work improving EasyVFR. Many of you asked for easier ways to create routes and access NOTAMs and airspace details. We’ve enhanced map interactions so you can tap on any object to instantly get its info, making your navigation smoother than ever.

What’s New in EasyVFR 4.3?

  • Tap the Map: Instantly access information by tapping on any map element. Whether it’s airfields, navigational aids, airspace labels, or NOTAMs, the app now predicts the info you need based on your activity.
  • Tap to Add: Creating routes is now quicker and more intuitive. Once you have chosen a departure location, every next tap on a map object will be added to the route until you save it.
  • Dynamic Airspace Mapping: Previously known as SmartMap, this feature now offers more sources and options for airspace information, making your navigation clearer and simpler.
  • Quick NOTAM Briefing PDF: A new button provides instant access to essential NOTAM and airspace briefings, tailored to your current location or flight plan.
  • Other Enhancements: From background operations on Android to better language support and MGL data export, there are many new features to explore.

Read all about it in the below article. Try it out and let us know what you think. Your insights are crucial as we continue to innovate.  Thank you for your continued support and happy flying!

Blue skies,
Team EasyVFR

Tap the Map – Context Aware Info Sheet

Single Tap on Map

Instantly access information on any map element with a single tap. Whether it’s airfields, navigational aids, airspace labels, or NOTAM centers, EasyVFR will predict the type of information you need based on your zoom level, previous actions, and whether you’re planning a route or currently in flight.

Switch Sheet Category

Effortlessly switch between info sheet categories using the icons at the sheet’s header. This feature allows you to quickly select a different category if EasyVFR predicts the wrong one, or if you want to inspect all the available information for a specific location.

Long Press on Map

A long press opens the route info sheet, offering the tapped location as a waypoint. This sheet displays route actions for the selected object and lists other nearby navaids, airfields, and places below. To switch to another object in the list, simply tap on it.

Sheet Height

Adjust the info sheet size by tapping or dragging the horizontal handler at the sheet’s header.

Tap to Append to Route

We’ve enhanced the route editing mode in EasyVFR 4 to make creating new routes quicker and more intuitive. Now, when you initiate a new route by selecting ‘Depart’ or ‘Direct-To’ from a location, the next Aerodata object you tap will automatically be appended to the end of your route. Once you’re satisfied, press the green “Confirm Changes” text on the route card to revert to standard map usage mode.

Note that this “Tap to Append” feature is active only when building a new route and before it’s confirmed. Any subsequent edits, such as rubberbanding or inserting, will deactivate “Tap to Append,” enabling normal use of the info sheet when tapping an object.

Map Layers Menu Redesign

Compact Design

The menu is now more condensed, making it easier to view map changes, even on smaller screens. Adjust the menu’s position by dragging the three-dotted icon at the menu’s header.

Map Preset Tabs

We’ve reorganized Map presets into tabs for smooth switching and to highlight the unique settings of each preset.

Dynamic Airspace Mapping

Name Change

Formerly known as SmartMap, it is now called “Dynamic Airspace Mapping,” better reflecting its capabilities. Within Dynamic Airspace Mapping, we are developing even more features and data interpreters that will greatly benefit the aviation community. This ensures that the current actual airspace situation for your flight becomes even clearer, regardless of where you fly or how complicated and flexible the airspace designers and NOTAM issuers make it.

We have also created a dedicated knowledge base article about Dynamic Airspace Mapping that dives deeper into the subject.

More Sources

With the integration of several new local data sources and enhanced validity criteria, you can now see the status for an even broader range of airspaces.

Simple On/Off

All underlying options have been moved to developer tweaks to avoid confusion and streamline use. Now, simply enable or disable Dynamic Airspace Mapping from the Map Layers menu.

NOTAM Briefing PDF

A new button on the right-hand side of the screen offers quick NOTAM and Airspace briefings. Essential and Live users receive a briefing PDF based on a 30NM radius around the center of the current map view or for the active route. Pro and FFM users can also generate a comprehensive TripKit PDF, which includes navigation logs, VFR approach plates, weather updates, and mass and balance calculations.

Airspace and Activity NOTAMs

EasyVFR now distinguishes between NOTAMs that create new airspaces or activity areas, allowing you to hide all other NOTAMs from the map. This means you see only the relevant NOTAMs on the map, those that restrict flying or require extra awareness.

Airspace NOTAMs are about restrictions, such as military exercises.

Activity NOTAMs pertain to special activity areas, like aerobatics, glider competitions, fireworks, drones, parachute jumping, etc.

Other Noteworthy Updates

  1. Background Operations on Android: EasyVFR 4’s capability to manage tasks seamlessly in the background on Android is improved. Now, even when you switch to another app temporarily, it can complete data updates and continue to provide vocal warnings during your flight.
  2. Gliding Areas and U-Space: These are now classified as separate airspaces and can be individually fine-tuned regarding visibility on the map.
  3. Electric Charging: Fuel type “Electric” added (See UK locations EGTU, EGML, EGHN).
  4. MGL EFIS Data Export: MGL EFIS owners can now prepare their MGL data, including VFR Approach Plates, directly within EasyVFR 4, similar to Dynon SkyView users.
  5. Dynon HDX1200 Selection: Dynon HDX1200 can now be selected in Dynon Data Exchange.
  6. Improved Language Support System: Enhanced in-app and web-based editing for translators.
  7. FLARM Decoder Update: Updated for SkyEcho2 users.

There are many more new, improved, and fixed features in this release. See the release notes for all the details.

How to Update?

  1. On iOS? Head to the iOS AppStore.
  2. On Android? Visit the Google Play store.
  3. Using macOS on Apple Silicon? Check the AppStore for iOS apps.
  4. For Windows, macOS X, and Catalina users, find the latest downloads in our knowledge base.

New here? Let’s get started

✍️ Create your EasyVFR 4 account today and download the app. Create account

If you already happen to have an EasyVFR 3 Standard or Frequent Flyer Membership (FFM) license that you bought directly with us, it’ll work for EasyVFR 4 as well – no charge.

Download EasyVFR 4 and take it for a spin. Let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to check back soon for even more great EasyVFR 4 features coming your way.

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