Four major safety concerns identified for
EASA GA Safety Award 2020
Weeee! We’re proud as a peacock for being a winner in the very first EASA GA Safety Award with our brand new EasyVFR 4!! We hereby congratulate our fellow winners Open Glider Network and FlyTool with their success.
“The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is pleased to announce the winners of its first General Aviation (GA) Safety Award. The GA Safety Award recognises the most safety-beneficial smartphone/tablet application for use by GA pilots.”
“The apps submitted were assessed against their ability to address one or more of the four major safety concerns identified in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS): Staying in control, managing the flight, preventing mid-air collisions and coping with weather.”
“2nd Prize – 5,000 €: Awarded to the PocketFMS Foundation for EasyVFR 4 which provides a complete solution for flight preparation, route planning, and flight navigation. EasyVFR 4 helps pilots to manage the flight and reduce the risk of mid-air collisions through the provision of planning tools that also enable the identification of different types of airspace and links to relevant NOTAMs. It also helps pilots to cope with weather by providing weather graphics on the display in the cockpit. “
See here the EASA GA Safety Award 2020 press release.