Just another digital version of a paper chart?
Seeing the title of this blogpost you might think: “Why bother me with another ‘paper’ chart as an overlay on my Skyview, when there are plenty of other options available provided by national suppliers?” Well, this will be clear when you have read this blogpost! From different zoom levels to user input or from regular updates to the fact it complements the Dynon SkyView with FIS frequencies and SQK codes!
Different zoom levels
One key difference in our own georeferenced chart is the fact it contains different zoom levels. The standard zoom level uses a data resolution you are used to with the 1:500.000 and V500 Zoom ICAO charts with data going from ground level up to flight level 200. When zooming out, the chart will change into a FIS overview chart where you can easily spot the different frequencies belonging to each FIS.
When using the chart in combination with a FFM or Dynon Dataset only subscription, the chart becomes tappable when using the chart in combination with our aviation database (which you can obtain via a FFM Membership or Dynon Dataset only subscription).

Flying with a paper chart purchased at your local pilot shop can be tedious as you have to update the chart yourself with a pencil throughout the year. Flying with a digital version of a paper chart is even more tedious as the possibilities to change information is almost nil. Therefore our own chart is updated every 28 days following the AIRAC cycle. In this way the chart is always kept up-to-date. But don’t forget to check the NOTAMs of course 😉
Countries included
Our chart consists out of two parts. The main part consists out of a box going all the way from 75 degrees North, 15 degrees West in the upper left corner (East of Greenland) to 30 degrees North and 31 degrees East in the lower right (few miles West of Cairo, Egypt) . For Iceland there is a little extension that goes from 68 degrees North, 27 degrees West in the upper left corner to 63 degrees North, 15 degrees West in the lower right. In this first version Ukraine is cut in half, Belarus is visible for 7/8th and a small portion of Finland and Norway is not visible. In the following version at least Finland and Norway will be 100% covered! Also we would like to cover Cyprus and maybe the Canary Islands, but this brings us to the next topic of user input.

User input
We would like to hear from you what you like and dislike about our chart! As mentioned before we want to make the chart a bit bigger in the next version to fully include Finland and Norway. But maybe you would also see other data types such as departures and arrival routes or other countries like Cyprus. Please let us know via Facebook, Instagram, our Forum, email or by replying on this blogpost!
How to get it?
If you are interested in buying this chart, you can simply go to our webshop! To get it in your Dynon SkyView the process is exactly the same as for any other digital paper chart, so you have to use your EFIS USB stick.
Milestones and Philosophy
Via the button below you will be redirected to our knowledge base where Rob (the developer of this chart and head programmer) has written a very interesting piece of work on why we wanted to make this chart.
Let’s get started
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If you already happen to have an EasyVFR 3 Standard or Frequent Flyer Membership (FFM) license that you bought directly with us, it’ll work for EasyVFR 4 as well – no charge.
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